925 Western Ave
Fergus Falls, MN
Stevne Schedule:
Wednesday, September 12
Research Day – Mark Troemner will present new options for Swedish/Finnish research.
5:00 pm Lag board meeting.
Thursday September 13
9:00 Registration – Genealogy & Silent Auction Opens
9:00 Opening Session – Welcome, Anthems, Introduction of Officers, Show & Tell
Bus leaves for tour- Ottertail County Historical Museum, Lunch Trefoldighed Norwegian Lutheran Church, Prospect House and Civil War Museum at Battle Lake
A video ‘The King’s Choice’ a very good film about Norway’s King during WWII will be shown for members not going on the tour.
6:30 Light Supper –7:30 –Evening entertainment by Chris Falteisek “Christmas Customs in Norway”
Friday September 14
9:00 Registration, Genealogy, Silent Auction, Vendor and Hospitality
9:30 Presentation – Chris Schuelke – History of Ottertail County
10:45 Presentation – Norwegian Exchange Students from Hillcrest Academy
12:00 Joint Lunch for First Time Attendees.
1:30 Presentation – Terry Lejcher a retired MN DNR hydrologist to speak on local geology
3:00 Annual Meetings
4:30 Silent Auction closes
6:00 Group Photo and Board Members photo
6:30 Bunad /Sweater Banquet. Entertainment to be Determined.
Research Room, Silent Auction and Hospitality will be packed up Friday night.
Saturday September 15
9:00 Registration
9:30 Elaine Hasleton – House History.
10:30 Memorial Service
12:00 Closing Lunch