Representatives from each of 29 bygdelag meet yearly in Minneapolis on the first Saturday in May. Dues remain constant at $5.00 per lag, which entitles two delegates from each lag to attend and participate in the May annual meeting. Non-voting guests are also welcome.
Plan now to attend the Annual Meeting of Bygdelagenes Fellesraad.
The Fellesraad Annual Meeting will be held on May 4-5 at Mindekirken, 924 E 21st St, Minneapolis. On Friday, May 4th, there will be break-out sessions for Genealogy, Lag Treasurers Functions, and Editors. Following these sessions, NAHA archivist will present on Lag and personal records preservation.
Sat, May 5th Curt Witcher, Manager of the Genealogy Center in Ft. Wayne, IN will present on the future of organizations and libraries in the 21st century, and also on using publicity and social media.
Registration includes the Friday evening meal and Saturday lunch.