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The research staff has among them a depth of experience, making it possible to answer requests and conduct research in the most time-efficient way.

“Chris, you have done a great job reading those old script pages and having the tenacity to keep on moving in a positive direction to go back further and further into the past. I remember spending time in the archives in Oslo and the research center in Salt Lake looking at all those faint pages trying to figure what either the word meant or was it misspelled. Thank you again for the good work.” (Gary/Washington)

“I really appreciate all of Arthur’s hard work with these letters!  I can only imagine how tough it must be to try to decipher this handwriting that is such a challenge to read, and then to do the actual translation as well.  It is so nice to have these letters.” (Beverly/Massachusetts)

What Can We Help You With?

Our research team can help you with breaking down those proverbial brick walls, work with you one-on-one, or simply research your family for you. Submit a research request for more information. You can also Download the form directly and email it to

"*" indicates required fields

Complete as fully as possible

Full name(s) of children with full birth and death dates and addresses:
Birth Date
Death Date

Your contact information

* indicates mandatory fields
Do you give permission for us to give your name to other researchers working on the same family line(s)?
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 20 MB.

    Price of research is $50/hour for members, $100/hour for non-members. Minimum 2 hours.
    A research assistant will contact you shortly to review your request and arrange payment.

    DNA results can be a valuable genealogy tool, but require a different approach than more traditional genealogical research methods. NAGC can help you understand your results and use them to grow your family tree.

    Hourly Fee (four hour minimum):
    $100.00/hour for non-members
    $50.00/hour for NAGC members

    Which DNA test(s) have you taken?
    example: confirm the identity of a suspected ancestor, breaking down a “brick wall,” general understanding of what the results mean, etc.
    In order to be able to use your results, researchers will need access to your family tree. DNA can only be used in conjunction with traditional genealogy research methods. If you have not conducted any traditional genealogy research, basic research on your ancestry will have to be completed first. You can do that yourself, or you can complete a research request form and hire an NAGC researcher do it for you.
    If you have a tree stored on your computer using genealogy software, NAGC would like a GEDcom file. NAGC can assist you with creating and sharing a GEDcom file.

    If you have a paper pedigree chart and family group sheets, the relevant files can be emailed to with your DNA research request.

    It is possible that by investigating your DNA results, you may learn that some members of your family you believed to be biological relatives are not genetically related to you. You may also discover that you have biological family members you were not previously aware of.

    If discoveries of this nature are uncovered by NAGC during this process, we will only reveal information you have requested to learn.
    Clear Signature

    NAGC has native speakers on staff who can translate from Bokmål, Nynorsk, Dano-Norwegian, and hybrid Norwegian-English into English. Please note, we prefer electronic copies of documents to translate. Please do not send the original document.

    Translation Fee:
    $100.00/hour for non-members
    $50.00/hour for NAGC members

    1. All documents must be in PDF format to allow for enlargement if necessary. Do not mail original documents.
    2. After the completed request form and PDF have been received, our staff will review and provide an estimate of the time needed to complete the translation. You will be placed in the queue upon your acceptance of the estimate.
    3. We ask for prepayment of 2 hours for the project. You will be invoiced for the balance upon completion of the project.

    Download the form here and email it to or fill out below.

    NAGC&NL Member:
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 20 MB.

      We are excited to join your Sons of Norway Lodge, Genealogical Society, Family Reunion, or other group in-person or virtually to present about genealogy or Norwegian immigration history.

      Events can be custom designed to your group’s specific needs, or you can select from a variety of topics that our staff has already prepared. Presentations use a variety of media and can be scheduled from a half-hour lunch break presentation to full day workshops. Presentations can be in-person at your site, in-person at NAGC, or virtual.

      For details and further information about scheduling and fees for events by NAGC staff members, call us at 608-255-2224 (Ext. 122) or email:

      Download the form here here and email it to or fill out below.

      MM slash DD slash YYYY
      Address For Event:

      NAGC carries the Norge-Serien map series. These modern maps are extremely detailed and indicate the locations of the farms that are still in existence in Norway. To obtain a map of the farms related to your family history, complete the request and a researcher will determine which map or maps will show the locations of the farms on which your ancestors lived.

      The Norwegian topographic maps are the most detailed map series for Norway.  A total of 727 maps covering all of Norway show the location of individual farms and churches and each quadrangle is on the scale of 1:50,000.

      Please remember that it may take more than one map to complete your request if you have multiple farms in the same area.  A researcher will contact you to let you know exactly how many maps it will take to fill your order.

      Map costs are $32.00 for members of NAGCNL and $36.00 for non-members, plus shipping. The farm location will be marked, so that you can locate it.

      Download the form here here and email it to or fill out below. Please include any documents from which you are pulling farm names (census records, church books, etc) so the researcher can verify the farm(s) you are looking for.

      For each farm, please fill out the following:(Required)
      Farm Name:
      Fylke (pre-2020 county name):
      Parish Name:

      Mailing Address(Required)
      Drop files here or
      Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 20 MB.