For over 40 years, donors have been committed to building endowments that work in perpetuity to advance our mission.
New endowments are usually created from donations of $25,000 or more, whether such important gifts are made at one time or spread over a period of years. See below for a short description of the endowments that support NAGC.
We invite you to consider adding your donation of any size to one of the Center’s existing endowed funds, or you may wish to discuss your plans to create a named endowment with a specific scope and purpose that may honor an ancestor or loved one, creating in perpetuity an important source of support for the Center’s work.
Christensen Endowment
Robert C. Christensen, a long-time NAGC member, established this endowed fund in 2015 through his bequest of an individual retirement account. The income from this fund supports the ongoing mission of the Center.
Cramer Endowed Fund
Established in 2012 by the Cramer Legacy Fund and its originator, Pearl M. Cramer, this fund supports the operating expenses of the Center.
Embertson Endowment
This legacy gift for operating support was made in 2014 and 2015 by the Mary M. Embertson Trust, representing the legacy philanthropic support of NAGC members, Mary and Hugh Embertson.
Bonnie Westby Huebner and Danny F. Huebner Endowment Fund
In general support of NAGC’s mission and purpose, the Huebner Endowment Fund was created in 2015 by the bequest of Dan Huebner, our former Board Chairman and Chairman Emeritus.
Lønnebotn Endowment Fund
Established by the bequest of Trygve Lønnebotn, this fund supports the general operating expenses of the Center. Since its inception in 2014, the Lønnebotn Endowment has been augmented by donations from members of Trygve’s family and circle of friends.
Loper Endowment for North Norway Acquisitions
Established in 2007 by NAGC members Jane L. Loper and Carl R. Loper, Jr., this endowed fund is invested to produce annual income devoted to the acquisition of library research materials about Northern Norway.
Gerhard B. Naeseth Chair for Genealogical Research and Publication
Since 2001, many donors recognizing the important work in research and publication carried out by the Naeseth Chair have together built the fund to support the work of this NAGC staff position. Each year, donations both large and small are added to this important source of support for the Center’s research work.
NAGC & NL Membership Endowment
Producing income for operating expenses, this fund is made up of a portion of all Life and Fellow memberships that were earlier issued by the Center. At the time of these donations, a portion of each gift was invested as a perpetual source of operating support. The Life and Fellow membership categories have been discontinued, but persons holding these levels of membership have been “grandfathered” and continue to receive all the benefits of membership for their lifetimes.
Please see the membership page for information on the current levels of NAGC membership.
Norwegian American Genealogical Center Endowment
This endowment, made up of funds from a variety of sources including several bequests, produces annual income to support operating expenses.